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Creative CSS Animations, Transitions And Transforms Course (Updated)

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Creative CSS Animations, Transitions And Transforms Course (Updated)
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps® | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 2.28 GB
Duration: 5 hours | Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Master Advanced CSS Animations, Transitions and Transforms And Practice With More Than 40 Creative Examples.

master css animations, transitions and transforms

be able to create any creative css animation they can think of

Master Advanced CSS Animations, Transitions and Transforms And Practice With More Than 40 Creative Examples.
What you'll learn
master css animations, transitions and transforms
create more than 40 different examples using css animations, transitions and transforms
be able to create any creative css animation they can think of
An Internet Connection
Basic Understanding Of HTML & CSS
Any Code Editor Of Your Choice
Have you ever seen a web animation on codepen or on any website and then you think "Ohh that is awesome! I want to do that!" but then think it's complex and far beyond your skills?
Well I'm here to tell you: No, it definitely is not! I'm Ahmed Sadek, a full stack web developer and freelancer with more than 7 years of experience, and I wanna welcome you to my CSS Animations, Transitions and Transforms Creativity Course.
Css animation is quickly becoming an essential design tool that's increasingly used to help our users understand and interact with our websites. It's definitely the next big step in css! Absolutely amazing things can be done with it. It's literally up to your imagination! It gives life to your website and enhances the user experience-and you know better user experience means a higher reputation and more satisfied visitors. So css animations, transitions, and transforms are critical skills for any web developer nowadays.and I'm here to make sure you learn it the right way.
So in this course you will master css animations, transitions, and transforms, starting from scratch, and not only that, we're also gonna get our hands dirty and create many examples together so that you will get tons of ideas, and lots of inspiration to help you create any complex animation you can think of.
We'll start by looking at the css transition property, learning what it is and how it can give life to html elements.
Then we will move on to css transforms, which open the doors for many creative options, from moving elements around the page, to scaling and rotating them. So we'll talk about all the transform functions that we can use in 2D and 3D environments.
After that, we get to the fun part! We will use all the techniques and properties we learned about the css transforms and transitions, and we'll start building some creative examples that will give you inspiration and help you make full use of what you've learned!
We'll start this section by creating some button hover effects, then some image hover effects, and so much more!
Then we will move over to css animations and keyframes, where we'll learn everything about them and all their properties.
And finally we will move on to the last section of the course, where we will be creating many css animations examples that will kickstart your imagination and help you create any animation you can think of!
By then end of this course, you'll be able to understand how any web animation works, and you'll have created more than 40 different examples with different ideas that will help you increase your creativity, and stand out from other web developers. So if you are as excited as I am, hit the enroll button, and let's dive right in with this CSS Animations, Transitions and Transforms Creativity Course!
Who this course is for:
web designers and developers who want to improve their skills
web developers who want to master css animations and transforms and be able to create any creative animation they can think of



Curso completo de Machine Learning Data Science en Python

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BESTSELLER | Created by Juan Gabriel Gomila Salas | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 47:54 H/M | Lec: 234 | 25.8 GB | Language: Spanish | Sub: Spanish [Auto-generated]

Aprende los algoritmos de Machine Learning con Python para convertirte en un Data Science con todo el cГіdigo para usar

What you'll learn
Ser todo un master Jedi del Machine Learning con Python
Llevar a cabo predicciones precisas
Elaborar modelos robustos de Machine Learning
Utilizar las tГ©cnicas de Machine Learning para uso personal y para asesorar empresas
Tener una buena intuiciГіn de la mayorГ­a de modelos de Machine Learning
Hacer anГЎlisis muy potentes y precisos
Dar valor aГ±adido a tu propia empresa o negocio
Conocer quГ© modelo de Machine Learning se ajusta mejor a cada tipo de problema
Construir modelos diversos de Machine Learning y combinarlos para resolver cualquier problema que uno se plantee
Utilizar tГ©cnicas avanzadas para reducir la dimensiГіn del problema

Se necesitan conocimientos de matemГЎticas de bachillerato o conocimientos bГЎsicos de estadГ­stica
Se recomienda saber programar un poco para enfocarse en aprender las tГ©cnicas de anГЎlisis en Python aunque no es totalmente necesario

ВїTe suenan las palabras Machine Learning o Data Scientist? ВїTe pica la curiosidad de para quГ© sirven estas tГ©cnicas o por quГ© empresas de todo el mundo pagan un sueldo de 120.000 hasta 200.000$ al aГ±o a un cientГ­fico de datos?

Pues este curso estГЎ pensado y diseГ±ado por todo un profesional del mundo del Data Science como es Juan Gabriel Gomila, de modo que os va a compartir todo su conocimiento y ayudaros a entender la teorГ­a tan compleja sobre las matemГЎticas que tiene detrГЎs, los algoritmos y librerГ­as de programaciГіn con Python para convertiros en todo unos expertos a pesar de que no tengГЎis experiencia previa.

Veremos paso a paso como empezar a trabajar con conceptos y algoritmos del mundo del Machine Learning. Con cada nueva clase y secciГіn que completes tendrГЎs unas nuevas habilidades que te ayudarГЎn a entender este mundo tan completo y lucrativo que puede ser esta rama del Data Science.

TambiГ©n decirte que este curso es muy divertido, en la lГ­nea de Juan Gabriel Gomila y que aprenderГЎs y te divertirГЎs mientras vas aprendiendo acerca de tГ©cnicas de Machine Learning con Python. En particular, los temas que trabajaremos serГЎn los siguientes:

Parte 1 - InstalaciГіn de Python y paquetes necesarios para data science, machine learning y visualizaciГіn de los datos
Parte 2 - EvoluciГіn histГіrica del anГЎlisis predictivo y el machine learning
Parte 3 - Pre procesado y limpieza de los datos
Parte 4 - Manejo de datos y data wrangling, operaciones con datasets y distribuciones de probabilidad mГЎs famosas
Parte 5 - Repaso de estadГ­stica bГЎsica, intervalos de confianza, contrastes de hipГіtesis, correlaciГіn,...
Parte 6 - Regression lineal simple, regresiГіn lineal mГєltiple y regresiГіn polinomial, variables categГіricas y tratamiento de outliers.
Parte 7 - ClasificaciГіn con regresiГіn logГ­stica, estimaciГіn con mГЎxima verosimititud, validaciГіn cruzada, K-fold cross validation, curvas ROC
Parte 8 - Clustering, K-means, K-medoides, dendrogramas y clustering jerГЎrquico, tГ©cnica del codo y anГЎlisis de la silueta
Parte 9 - ClasificaciГіn con ГЎrboles, bosques aleatorios, tГ©cnicas de poda, entropГ­a, maximizaciГіn de la informaciГіn
Parte 10 - Support Vector Machines para problemas de clasificaciГіn y regresiГіn, kernels no lineales, reconocimiento facial (cГіmo funciona CSI)
Parte 11 - Los K vecinos mГЎs cercanos, decisiГіn por mayorГ­a, programaciГіn de algoritmos de Machine Learning vs librerГ­as de Python
Parte 12 - AnГЎlisis de componentes principales, reducciГіn de la dimensiГіn, LDA
Parte 13 - Deep learning, Reinforcement Learning, Redes neuronales artificiales y convolucionales y Tensor Flow
AdemГЎs, en el curso encontrarГЎs ejercicios, datasets para practicar basados en ejemplos de la vida real, de modo que no solo aprenderГЎs la teorГ­a con los vГ­deos, si no tambiГ©n a practicar para construir tus propios modelos de Machine Learning. Y como no olvidar que tendrГЎs un github con todo el cГіdigo fuente en Python para descargar y utilizar en todos tus proyectos. AsГ­ que no esperes mГЎs y apГєntate al curso de Machine Learning mГЎs completo y Гєtil del mercado espaГ±ol!

Who this course is for?
Cualquiera interesado en aprender Machine Learning
Estudiantes que tienen un conocimiento de matemГЎticas que quieran aprender acerca del Machine Learning con Python
Usuarios intermedios que conocen los fundamentos de Machine learning como los algoritmos clГЎsicos de regresiГіn lineal o logГ­stica pero buscan aprender mГЎs y explorar otros campos del aprendizaje estadГ­stico
Programadores que les guste el cГіdigo y que estГ©n interesados en aprender Machine Learning para aplicar dichas tГ©cnicas a sus datasets
Estudiantes de universidad que busquen especializarse y aprender a ser Data Scientists
Analistas de datos que quieran ir mГЎs allГЎ gracias al Machine Learning
Cualquier persona que no estГ© satisfecha con su propio trabajo y busque empezar a trabajar como un Data Scientist profesional
Cualquier persona que quiera dar valor aГ±adido a su propia empresa utilizando las potentes herramientas de Machine Learning

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Curso de Angular 8 Desde cero hasta profesional

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Created by VГ­ctor Robles | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 13:58 H/M | Lec: 126 | 2.41 GB | Language: Spanish | Sub: Spanish [Auto-generated]

Aprende a desarrollar aplicaciones web modernas de forma prГЎctica y desde cero con Angular 4, 5, 6, 7 y 8 (Angular 2+)

What you'll learn
Dominar Angular 4, 5, 6, 7 y 8
Dominar TypeScript dentro Angular
Desarrollar aplicaciones web SPA
Mejorar la capacidad de adaptaciГіn a otros frameworks javascript
Aumentar las posibilidades laborales como desarrollador
Crear aplicaciones web modernas con Angular 8, Angular 7, Angular 6, Angular 5, Angular 4 y Angular 2

HTML y CSS bГЎsico
javascript bГЎsico
NO es necesario saber nada de AngularJS, Angular 1, Angular 2, Angular 4, Angular 5, Angular 6, Angular 7 y tampoco de TypeScript

Bienvenido al curso de Angular 8, vas a aprender paso a paso como desarrollar aplicaciones web front-end con la nueva versiГіn de este framework de Google.

Este curso es compatible con Angular 2 final, Angular 4, Angular 5, Angular 6, Angular 7 y Angular 8.

Angular es el framework para javascript estГЎndar para crear webs SPA. Es uno de los frameworks mГЎs populares para desarrollar aplicaciones modernas y escalables en el lado del cliente. Si quieres ser desarrollador front-end o full-stack, o incluso si ya te dedicas al desarrollo web, es casi obligatorio aprender Angular.

Angular 2, Angular 4, Angular 5, Angular 6, Angular 7 y Angular 8 han dado un salto de calidad con respecto a la versiones anteriores del framework, como AngularJS. Ahora utilizaremos TypeScript para definir nuestras clases, propiedades y mГ©todos, el cГіdigo es mucho mГЎs limpio y se ha mejorado el funcionamiento general del framework.

Al finalizar el curso serГЎs capaz de desarrollar tus propias aplicaciones web SPA (Single Page Apps) con Angular y modificar otras que ya estГ©n programadas con este framework.

Este es el Гєnico curso de Angular en EspaГ±ol que existe hasta la fecha y estГЎ diseГ±ado para que aprendas a desarrollar webapps en el cliente para el mundo real mediante ejemplos prГЎcticos, paso a paso y de forma fГЎcil para que no te quedes con dudas.

Se tratan desde los aspectos mГЎs bГЎsicos y sencillos hasta los mГЎs avanzados, por tanto no es necesario que sepas nada de AngularJS, ni de Angular 2 para aprender a usarlo, aunque si que necesitarГЎs saber javascript y HTML para aprovechar al 100% este curso.

Durante el curso verГЎs muchГ­simos ejemplos prГЎcticos. Iremos usando cada una de las partes fundamentales del framework y haremos un ejemplo en cada una de ellas.

AdemГЎs en uno de los capГ­tulos del curso desarrollaremos varias aplicaciones web SPA completas desde cero, para unir todas las piezas del puzzle.

Abordaremos el desarrollo de las aplicaciones partiendo desde cero, desde la creaciГіn de los componentes necesarios, uso de rutas y servicios, creaciГіn y consumo de servicios REST (mediante un API REST) con el componente HTTP de Angular, hasta la creaciГіn y validaciГіn de formularios, entre otras cosas.

A parte de esto, en los cursos de VГ­ctor Robles conseguirГЎs soporte y ayuda muy rГЎpida, actualizaciones constantes con todo lo nuevo que va saliendo de Angular, etc.

Si quieres aprender Angular sin dolor, practicando poco a poco, subir de nivel en el desarrollo frontend con javascript y aumentar tus oportunidades laborales ВЎEste es tu curso!

Г‰chale un vistazo al currГ­culo del curso para ver todos temas que aprenderГЎs.

Гљnete al curso y sube de nivel: ВЎВЎ Aprende Angular !!

Who this course is for?
Desarrolladores web
Estudiantes de informГЎtica
Estudiantes de ingenieria o ciclos formativos
Personas interesadas en el desarrollo web
Interesados en el desarrollo front-end
Interesados en el mundo de AngularJS y Angular

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Curso de NodeJS y Angular Crea webapps con el MEAN Stack

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Created by VГ­ctor Robles | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 14:33 H/M | Lec: 103 | 1.97 GB | Language: Spanish | Sub: Spanish [Auto-generated]

Aprende a desarrollar servicios RESTful (APIs) con NodeJS y MongoDB y a crear webs SPA con Angular2 y 4 (AngularJS)

What you'll learn
Desarrollar aplicaciones web completas con el MEAN Stack 2.0 (MongoDB, Express, Angular 2 y NodeJS)
Crear APIs RESTful con NodeJS
Crear webapps SPA con Angular 2
Desarrollar servicios y APIs REST
Hacer desarrollos full-stack completos
Mejorar la capacidad de adaptaciГіn a otros frameworks
Aumentar las posibilidades laborales como desarrollador

javascript bГЎsico

Bienvenido al Curso de NodeJS y Angular 2, vas a aprender paso a paso como desarrollar servicios y APIs REST con NodeJS y MongoDB y como crear aplicaciones web SPA y front-ends con la nueva versiГіn de AngularJS.

En definitiva vamos a aprender a hacer desarrollos fullstack con el MEAN Stack 2.0 (MongoDB, Express, Angular 2 y NodeJS).

NodeJS es una tecnologГ­a que nos permite hacer desarrollos back-end usando Гєnicamente javascript.

MongoDB es la base de datos NoSQL lГ­der, nos permite trabajar con documentos JSON binarios(BSON) en lugar de utilizar un sistema clГЎsico de tablas y relaciones, lo cual hace que Mongo sea muy veloz.

Angular 2 se estГЎ convirtiendo en el framework para javascript estГЎndar para desarrollar aplicaciones web modernas y escalables en el lado del cliente basadas en la filosofГ­a SPA(Single Page Apps).

Si quieres ser desarrollador web front-end o full-stack, o incluso si ya te dedicas al desarrollo web, es casi obligatorio aprender a usar estas plataformas y como trabajan conjuntamente.

En el curso desarrollaremos APIs RESTful utilizando javascript en el servidor, mediante NodeJS, Express y MongoDB.

ВїQue es un API RESTful?

Un API REST es un servicio que puede usarse desde cualquier dispositivo que entienda el protocolo HTTP, ademГЎs interactГєa directamente con la base de datos. Por ejemplo, las aplicaciones de smartphones interactГєan con el servidor a travГ©s de un API RESTful.

TambiГ©n aprenderemos Angular 2 desde cero y como crear clientes web y desarrollaremos aplicaciones web de tipo SPA con este framework de Google(AngularJS 2).

ВїQue es una web SPA?

Una web SPA es una aplicaciГіn de una sola pГЎgina en la que la carga de datos es asГ­ncrona y la pГЎgina no se recarga en casi ningГєn momento, pese a cambiar de ruta o url para navegar entre las secciones de la aplicaciГіn, es una nueva tendencia en el desarrollo web.

Al finalizar el curso serГЎs capaz de desarrollar tus propias aplicaciones web con NodeJS y Angular 2.

Este es el Гєnico curso de NodeJS y Angular 2 en EspaГ±ol que existe hasta la fecha y estГЎ diseГ±ado para que aprendas a desarrollar webapps mediante ejemplos prГЎcticos, paso a paso y de forma fГЎcil para que no te quedes con dudas.

Se tratan desde los aspectos mГЎs bГЎsicos y sencillos hasta los mГЎs avanzados, por tanto no es necesario que sepas nada de NodeJS o AngularJS para aprender a usarlo, aunque si que necesitarГЎs saber javascript y HTML para aprovechar al 100% este curso.

VerГЎs muchГ­simos ejemplos prГЎcticos. Iremos usando cada una de las partes fundamentales de los frameworks y haremos varios ejemplos.

AdemГЎs desarrollaremos dos aplicaciones web desde cero, para unir todas las piezas del puzzle.

Crearemos una aplicaciГіn web de gestiГіn de marcadores favoritos y desarrollaremos una segunda aplicaciГіn mГЎs avanzada de gestiГіn de albums de imГЎgenes.

Abordaremos el desarrollo de estas aplicaciones partiendo desde cero, desde la creaciГіn de las APIs RESTful en el backend y en el frontend crearemos los componentes necesarios, uso de rutas y servicios, consumo de servicios REST con el componente HTTP de Angular 2, hasta la creaciГіn y validaciГіn de formularios, directivas, estilos CSS, entre otras cosas.

AdemГЎs de todo esto, en los cursos de VГ­ctor Robles conseguirГЎs soporte, apoyo y ayuda muy rГЎpida para que puedas conseguir todos tus objetivos.

Si quieres aprender desarrollo full-stack moderno basado en javascript sin dolor, practicando poco a poco con las tecnologГ­as con mГЎs proyecciГіn, subir de nivel en el desarrollo web y aumentar tus oportunidades laborales ВЎEste es tu curso!

Г‰chale un vistazo al programa del curso para ver todos temas que aprenderГЎs.

Гљnete al curso y sube de nivel: ВЎВЎ Aprende NodeJS y Angular 2 !!

Who this course is for?
Estudiantes de informГЎtica
Desarrolladores web
Estudiantes de ingenieria y ciclos formativos
Programadores que quieren adquirir nuevos conocimientos
Cualquiera con conocimientos bГЎsicos de desarrollo web

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Customer Service: Call Control Strategies

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Video: .MP4, AVC, 1280x720, 29.97 fps | Audio: English, AAC, 48 KHz, 2 Ch | Duration: 23m | 239 MB
Instructor: Myra Golden

Customer service calls can sometimes get out of control. Upset and overtalkative callers take time and energy away from other customers and tasks. This is where practical call-control strategies come into play. Join customer service trainer Myra Golden as she explains the reasons customer calls get out of hand, and introduces simple strategies to get you back in control. Learn how use a limited response, take control with close-ended questions, assert your way out of a bad conversation, and practice proactive call management so customers feel heard. You'll leave the course with a variety of actionable tips to turn long, problematic phone calls into polite and efficient interactions.

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Customize a WordPress Theme with HTML and CSS

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Customize a WordPress Theme with HTML and CSS
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1.5 Hours | 1.17 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

You want to start a blog, have a portfolio site, sell your products, or create a community. You've installed WordPress and it doesn't look at all like you would want your site to be presented. The current TwentyNineteen Theme from WordPress comes with the installation, and you might install a free theme that you like or buy a premium one. But still there will be changes needed.

So how do you customize a WordPress Theme?
This class provides you with examples to customize the WordPress Theme parts of the current, fresh new TwentyNineteen Theme (released February 2019). We'll make TwentyNineteen Theme transform to a small business website, install a child-theme, install plug-ins, change the functions.php, work with widgets, HTML and CSS to achieve the transformation. You can use this process for any WordPress theme!

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Customize a WordPress Themes with HTML and CSS

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Customize a WordPress Theme with HTML and CSS
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1.5 Hours | 1.17 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

You want to start a blog, have a portfolio site, sell your products, or create a community. You've installed WordPress and it doesn't look at all like you would want your site to be presented. The current TwentyNineteen Theme from WordPress comes with the installation, and you might install a free theme that you like or buy a premium one.

But still there will be changes needed.
So how do you customize a WordPress Theme?
This class provides you with examples to customize the WordPress Theme parts of the current, fresh new TwentyNineteen Theme (released February 2019). We'll make TwentyNineteen Theme transform to a small business website, install a child-theme, install plug-ins, change the functions.php, work with widgets, HTML and CSS to achieve the transformation. You can use this process for any WordPress theme!



Data Science From Prediction to Production

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Data Science: From Prediction to Production
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps® | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 668 MB
Duration: 3 hours | Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Lessons Learned from a Decade of Building Machine Learning Applications

What you'll learn

Practical perspective about predictions
Guidelines for selecting models
What makes you professional
Guidelines for delivering fast results
How to plan the development
The importance of well written code
Advanced topics in predictive modeling


Basic knowledge about data science


When most data scientists begin their careers in the field, they quickly realize there is a huge gap between what they learned in school and the models they are asked to create day-in and day-out for the companies they work at. This course is meant to help data scientists excel in the workplace and teach them the real-life applications of their work.

Taught by a data scientist with over 10 years' of experience, the course will give you an in-depth look at the work of a data scientist.

You will get actionable advice about how to deliver fast results and create models efficiently, effectively and in a way that is most beneficial for your company.

This course is an important step toward becoming a leading data scientist.

See you at the course.

Who this course is for:

Data scientists
Job seekers
Data science managers

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Database Series The Definitive Guide to Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

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Database Series: The Definitive Guide to Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 3 Hours 11M | 602 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Introducing SaaS and Amazon RDS. This first topic in the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) video series introduces you to the world of Software as a Service (SaaS) and Amazon RDS. Learn about the advantages of SaaS and the characteristics of the Amazon RDS cloud-based distributed database. Learn that you can use many databases with Amazon RDS, including Amazon Aurora, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.
Setting up Amazon RDS and Creating a Database. This second topic in the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) video series shows you how to set up Amazon RDS and how to create a database instance. Follow along with Victor in this hands-on session to set up RDS Aurora and MySQL database instances using either the Easy Create or Advanced options. Practice creating tables and selecting data from tables.
Managing RDS Instances in Amazon RDS. This third topic in the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) video series shows you how to manage database instances in RDS. Follow along with Victor and practice managing RDS instances for activities such as renaming database instances, and performing major and minor upgrades. Apply the various Amazon RDS instance settings.
Monitoring RDS Instances in Amazon RDS. This fourth topic in the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) video series shows you how to use tools to monitor database instances in RDS. Follow along with Victor and practice monitoring RDS instances and taking action when the monitoring reveals there are issues. Practice creating a monitoring plan, establishing a baseline, and setting up monitoring.
Following Amazon RDS Standards. This fifth topic in the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) video series covers the restrictions and limitations of Amazon RDS, including limits on instances and storage. Apply standards and restrictions on Amazon RDS object names as well.
Adding Amazon RDS Security. This sixth topic in the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) video series focuses on security best practices in Amazon RDS, including an overview to the Shared Responsibility Model. Follow along with Victor and practice applying security measures to your Amazon RDS database instances.
Performing Amazon RDS Backups. This seventh topic in the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) video series shows you how to backup and restore Amazon RDS instances. Follow along with Victor and practice backing up and restoring Amazon RDS instances using snapshots, and performing point in time recovery using database logs.
Invoking Amazon RDS APIs. This eighth topic in the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) video series focuses on Amazon RDS APIs. Follow along with Victor and practice interacting with Amazon RDS using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) with HTTP Query, Programming Language SDK, and the Command Line Tool.
Applying Amazon RDS API Data Types. This ninth topic in the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) video series goes into detail on the Amazon RDS API data types. Follow along with Victor and practice working with DBInstance, DBSecurityGroup, DBSnapshot, Endpoint, Event, and Tag data types in Amazon RDS.
Performing Amazon RDS API Actions. This tenth topic in the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) video series explores Amazon RDS API actions. Follow along with Victor and practice performing Create, Delete, Describe, and Modify actions in Amazon RDS.

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Database Series The Definitive Guide to PostgreSQL

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Database Series: The Definitive Guide to PostgreSQL
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 3 Hours 12M | 618 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Introducing PostgreSQL. This first topic in the PostgreSQL video series introduces you to the world of relational databases and PostgreSQL. Follow along with Victor in this hands-on session to download, install, setup, and configure PostgreSQL, both the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the console. Also get PGAdmin and the command line tool psql up and running.
Creating and Modifying Tables in PostgreSQL. This second topic in the PostgreSQL video series focuses on PostgreSQL tables. Learn about tables, rows, columns, and referential integrity. Follow along with Victor and practice creating and modifying tables in PostgreSQL.
Assigning Data Types in PostgreSQL. This third topic in the PostgreSQL video series focuses on PostgreSQL data types. Follow along with Victor and practice creating and modifying numeric, string, Boolean, Enumerated, Date, and Time data types in PostgreSQL. Numeric data types include Smallint, Integer, Bigint, Decimal, Numeric, Real, Double precision, Smallserial, Serial, and Bigserial. String data types include Character, Varchar, and Text.
Creating Domains in PostgreSQL. This fourth topic in the PostgreSQL video series focuses on PostgreSQL domains. Follow along with Victor and practice creating and using domains to expand the set of data types in PostgreSQL. Also create constraints during this session.
Inserting Data in PostgreSQL. This fifth topic in the PostgreSQL video series focuses on inserting data in PostgreSQL. Follow along with Victor and practice inserting data into tables in PostgreSQL. Also apply PostgreSQL constraints.
Querying Data in PostgreSQL. This sixth topic in the PostgreSQL video series focuses on querying data from tables in PostgreSQL. Follow along with Victor and practice querying data in PostgreSQL using the SELECT statement. Apply both queries and subqueries in this session.
Joining Data in PostgreSQL. This seventh topic in the PostgreSQL video series focuses on joins across tables in PostgreSQL. Follow along with Victor and practice creating inner joins, left joins, right joins, and full outer joins in PostgreSQL.
Creating Views in PostgreSQL. This eighth topic in the PostgreSQL video series focuses on PostgreSQL views. Follow along with Victor and practice creating and modifying virtual tables in PostgreSQL.
Creating and Running Functions in PostgreSQL. This ninth topic in the PostgreSQL video series goes into detail on functions in PostgreSQL. Follow along with Victor and practice creating and running functions (stored procedures) in PostgreSQL.
Creating and Running Triggers in PostgreSQL. This tenth topic in the PostgreSQL video series focuses on PostgreSQL triggers. Follow along with Victor and practice creating and running triggers in PostgreSQL.
Optimizing in PostgreSQL. This 11th topic in the PostgreSQL video series covers optimizing PostgreSQL. Follow along with Victor and practice optimizing table structures, query structures, max_connections, autovacuum, and Work_mem in PostgreSQL. Also create indexes in this session.
Backing Up Data in PostgreSQL. This 12th topic in the PostgreSQL video series focuses on backups in PostgreSQL. Follow along with Victor and practice backing up data through Continuous Archiving and Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR), File System Level Backup, and SQL Dump.

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Deployment of Machine Learning Models

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BESTSELLER | Created by Soledad Galli, Christopher Samiullah | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 08:11 H/M | Lec: 125 | 3.60 GB | Language: English | Sub: English [Auto-generated]

Build Machine Learning Model APIs

What you'll learn
Deploy machine learning models into the cloud
Build machine learning model APIs
Send and receive requests from deployed machine learning models
Design testable, version controlled and reproducible production code for model deployment
Build reproducible machine learning pipelines
Understand the optimal machine learning architecture
Create continuous and automated integrations to deploy your models
Understand the different resources available to you to productionise your models

A Python installation
A Jupyter notebook installation
Python coding skills including pandas and scikit-learn
Familiarity with Python environments, OOP and git
Familiarity with Machine Learning algorithms
This is an intermediate level course (see description)

Learn how to put your machine learning models into production.

What is model deployment?

Deployment of machine learning models, or simply, putting models into production, means making your models available to your other business systems. By deploying models, other systems can send data to them and get their predictions, which are in turn populated back into the company systems. Through machine learning model deployment, you and your business can begin to take full advantage of the model you built.

When we think about data science, we think about how to build machine learning models, we think about which algorithm will be more predictive, how to engineer our features and which variables to use to make the models more accurate. However, how we are going to actually use those models is often neglected. And yet this is the most important step in the machine learning pipeline. Only when a model is fully integrated with the business systems, we can extract real value from its predictions.

Why take this course?

This is the first and only online course where you can learn how to deploy machine learning models. In this course, you will learn every aspect of how to put your models in production. The course is comprehensive, and yet easy to follow. Throughout this course you will learn all the steps and infrastructure required to deploy machine learning models professionally.

In this course, you will have at your fingertips, the sequence of steps that you need to follow to deploy a machine learning model, plus a project template with full code, that you can adapt to deploy your own models.

Who this course is for?
Data scientists who want to deploy their first machine learning models
Data scientists who want to learn best practices around model deployment
Software developers who want to transition into artificial intelligence
Intermediate and advanced data scientists who want to level up their skills
Data engineers who build data pipelines to productionise machine learning models
Lovers of coding and open source

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Desarrollo web con JavaScript, Angular, NodeJS y MongoDB

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Created by VГ­ctor Robles | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 16:18 H/M | Lec: 129 | 2.68 GB | Language: Spanish | Sub: Spanish [Auto-generated]

Aprende a desarrollar una webapp como Spotify usando el MEAN Stack (Node, MongoDB, Express, JWT y Angular 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

What you'll learn
Desarrollar aplicaciones web con el MEAN Stack 2.0
Dominar Angular
Crear APIs RESTful con NodeJS
Crear webapps SPA con Angular
Hacer desarrollos full-stack completos
Usar JWT para hacer sistemas de login
Aumentar las posibilidades laborales como programador

HTML intermedio
CSS intermedio
javascript bГЎsico
Conocer las bases de NodeJS y Angular (Requisito recomendable pero no imprescindible)

Bienvenido al curso Desarrollo web con javascript, Angular, NodeJS y MongoDB. Vas a aprender paso a paso como desarrollar servicios y APIs REST con NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, JWT y como crear aplicaciones web front-end complejas con la nueva versiГіn de AngularJS (Angular 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 y 8).

En resumen vamos a aprender a hacer un desarrollo fullstack con el MEAN Stack 2.0, creando paso a paso una aplicaciГіn web similar a Spotify.

NodeJS es una tecnologГ­a que nos permite hacer desarrollos back-end usando Гєnicamente javascript.

MongoDB es la base de datos NoSQL lГ­der. Nos permite trabajar con documentos JSON binarios (BSON) en lugar de utilizar un sistema clГЎsico de tablas y relaciones, lo cual hace que Mongo sea muy veloz.

Angular se estГЎ convirtiendo en el framework para javascript estГЎndar para desarrollar aplicaciones web modernas y escalables en el lado del cliente basadas en la filosofГ­a SPA.

Si quieres ser desarrollador front-end, back-end o full-stack, o incluso si ya te dedicas al desarrollo web, es casi obligatorio aprender a trabajar con estas tecnologГ­as y frameworks.

El curso estГЎ divido en dos partes:

En la primera parte nos dedicaremos al backend (servidor) y desarrollaremos un servicio o API REST con NodeJS. Un API REST es un servicio que puede usarse desde cualquier dispositivo que entienda el protocolo HTTP, ademГЎs interactГєa directamente con la base de datos. Por ejemplo, las aplicaciones de smartphones interactГєan con el servidor a travГ©s de un API RESTful.

En la segunda parte nos centraremos en el frontend (cliente) y desarrollaremos una aplicaciГіn web de tipo SPA con Angular. Una web SPA es una aplicaciГіn de una sola pГЎgina en la que la carga de datos es asГ­ncrona y la pГЎgina no se recarga en casi ningГєn momento, pese a cambiar de ruta o url para navegar entre las secciones de la aplicaciГіn, es una nueva tendencia en el desarrollo web.

Al finalizar el curso serГЎs capaz de desarrollar tus propias aplicaciones web con NodeJS, Express, Mongo DB, JWT y Angular.

Durante las mГЎs de 15 horas del curso verГЎs como desarrollar una plataforma web tipo Spotify paso a paso.

En esta aplicaciГіn podremos identificarnos mediante un formulario de login, registrarnos en la plataforma, modificar los datos de nuestro usuario, subir una imagen de perfil, crear, editar y subir artistas, ГЎlbumes y artistas a la web, tendremos un listado paginado de los artistas de la plataforma, catГЎlogo de ГЎlbumes, player de canciones y mucho mГЎs.

Abordaremos el desarrollo backend de esta aplicaciГіn partiendo desde cero, empezando por el diseГ±o y creaciГіn de la base de datos, el servicio REST, servicios, controladores, autenticaciГіn basada en tokens con JWT (JSON Web Tokens), interacciГіn con la base de datos con Mongoose, CRUD de usuarios, artistas, ГЎlbumes y videos en NodeJS.

Continuaremos programando la parte del cliente con Angular 2, desde la creaciГіn de los componentes necesarios, uso de rutas y servicios, consumo de servicios REST (mediante un API Rest programada en con Node y ExpressJS) con el componente HTTP de Angular, trabajo con el LocalStorage, hasta la creaciГіn y validaciГіn de formularios, entre otras cosas.

Trataremos todos los temas paso a paso y poco a poco hasta construir una aplicaciГіn web completa de vГ­deos tipo Spotify, pese a esto, para aprovechar al 100% el curso te recomendamos tener conocimientos en HTML, CSS y javascript y ademГЎs tener unas nociones bГЎsicas en el MEAN Stack.

A parte de esto, en los cursos de VГ­ctor Robles conseguirГЎs soporte, apoyo y ayuda muy rГЎpida para que puedas conseguir tus objetivos y resolver tus dudas.

Si quieres aprender desarrollo full-stack moderno con javascript sin dolor, practicando poco a poco con las tecnologГ­as y frameworks mГЎs actuales, subir de nivel en el desarrollo web con NodeJS y Angular y aumentar tus oportunidades laborales ВЎEste es tu curso!

Г‰chale un vistazo al programa del curso para ver todos temas que aprenderГЎs.

Гљnete al curso y sube de nivel: ВЎВЎ Aprende Desarrollo web con javascript, Angular, NodeJS y MongoDB !!

Who this course is for?
Desarrolladores web
Estudiantes de ingenieria y ciclos formativos
Estudiantes de informГЎtica
Programadores que quieren adquirir nuevos conocimientos
Cualquiera con conocimientos en NodeJS o Angular

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Design Patterns for Game Programming

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Design Patterns for Game Programming
Udemy / Penny de Byl | Duration: 8 h 59 m | Video: H264 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44,1 kHz 2ch | 6,82 GB | Language: English + .vtt | 2019

An exploration of robust modularised code building for games with Unity 2019 and C#.

Want to create code that is robust, optimized and reusable? Then you need to learn about programmming design patterns.

Game Programming Design Patterns are templates for building modularised code that are generally a repeatable solution to a commonly occurring mechanic applied in computer games. They are general solutions that aren't tied to a particular problem making them reusable. One such pattern is that of object pooling. Whether a game needs an onslaught of constantly spawning zombies or bullets fired from a gun or asteroids to pummel the player's spaceship, an object pool is a group of classes that can be reused, exactly as they are, across not only these scenarios but a plethora of others whenever game objects need a spawn manager.

In this course, Penny will take you through the top 12 game programming design patterns with C# and the Unity Game Engine using her internationally acclaimed Holistic teaching style and expertise from over 25 years teaching, researching and writing about games. Throughout the course you will follow along with hands-on workshops designed to teach you these core programming concepts that will take your games programs to the next level.


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Design and Implementation using FPGA for beginners

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Design and Implementation using FPGA for beginners
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 2.5 Hours | Lec: 7 | 1.09 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

FPGA Design Flow

The Course discusses about the FPGA design flow and the important steps. The course is useful for the beginners in the area of FPGA design. The beginners can download/purchase the Xilinx and Altera licences to complete the exercises. The course also discusses about the FPGA functional blocks and the architecture of the FPGA.

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Designing and Implementing SQL Server Database Indexes

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Designing and Implementing SQL Server Database Indexes
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 2 Hours 11M | 224 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

This course is an introduction to SQL Server indexes. In this course, you will be covering common index types and discussing how to index to support your workloads.

Poor database performance is a problem for applications and annoys users. Poor performance often comes down to poor indexing of critical tables. In this course, Designing and Implementing SQL Server Database Indexes, you'll gain knowledge on how to avoid these issues through the effective use of SQL Server database indexes. First, you'll discover the main index types that SQL Server has. Next, you'll explore considerations for their use. Finally, you'll learn how to choose indexes and index keys to best support your applications. When you've finished this course, you'll be in a good position to optimize all of your SQL Server databases and improve your applications' speed and throughput.

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Detect Fraud and Predict the Stock Market with TensorFlow

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Created by Mammoth Interactive, John Bura | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 06:51 H/M | Lec: 42 | 1.09 GB | Language: English | Sub: English [Auto-generated]

​Learn how to code in Python & use TensorFlow! Make a credit card fraud detection model & a stock market prediction app.

What you'll learn
Learn how to code in Python, a popular coding language used for websites like YouTube and Instagram.
Learn TensorFlow and how to build models of linear regression
Make a Credit Card Fraud Detection Model in Python. Learn how to keep your data safe!
Make an app with Python that uses data to predict the stock market.

Please download PyCharm Community Edition 2017.2.3.

Do you want to learn how to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) for automation? Join us in this course for beginners to automating tasks.

You will learn how to code in Python, calculate linear regression with TensorFlow, analyze credit card fraud and make a stock market prediction app.

AI is code that mimics certain tasks. You can use AI to predict trends like the stock market. Automating tasks has exploded in popularity since TensorFlow became available to the public.

AI like TensorFlow is great for automated tasks including facial recognition. One farmer used the machine model to pick cucumbers!

Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. Please note that we reuse this content in similar courses because it is introductory material. You can find some material in this course in the following related courses:

Fraud Detection with Python, TensorFlow & Linear Regression

Make an Artificial Intelligence Stock Market Prediction App

The Complete Unity and Artificial Intelligence Masterclass

The Ultimate Unity Games & Python Artificial Intelligence


Also included is the webinar How To Master Anything by Mammoth Interactive founder John Bura.

Who this course is for?
Beginners who want to learn to use Artificial Intelligence.
Prior coding experience is helpful. For an in-depth intro to Python, search for our Ultimate Python Beginner Course.
Topics involve intermediate math, so familiarity with university-level math is very helpful.

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Digital Forensics Digital Media Analysis

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Digital Forensics: Digital Media Analysis
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 31M | 43 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

This course helps you understand relevant rules and rules of evidence and discovery. This course will also teach the student how to acquire file evidence from computers and mobile devices.

In this course, Digital Forensics: Digital Media Analysis, you'll learn foundational knowledge/gain the ability to describe the basic concepts and theory of a volume and file system and know to how apply it to an investigation. . First, you'll explore how to perform a digital investigation. Next, you'll discover how to collect volume analysis. Finally, you'll learn how to analyze the file system. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of Digital Forensics needed to perform digital analysis during investigation.

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Django 2.2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp

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Django 2.2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp
Video: .MP4, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44 kHz, 2ch | Duration: 10h
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Size: 8,07 GB

Build three complete websites, learn back and front-end web development, and publish your site online with DigitalOcean

What you'll learn
Build any website you want
Create a Product Hunt clone
Understand how using frameworks like Django will save you a ton of time in web development
Create your own personal portfolio site to showcase your projects to potential employers
Build fully functional websites for your startup or business
Improve your web development and coding resume
Publish your website online with DigitalOcean (a popular web hosting provider)
Create beautifully styled websites using Bootstrap (a front-end framework that simplifies web design)
Be able to connect Django to databases like SQLite and Postgres to help store and track data
Understand Django basics like Function and Class Based Views, URL routing, Models, Gunicorn and much more!

Have you ever wanted to create a Web application but didn't know where to start? Have you previously tried to learn Django but got fed up with incomplete YouTube videos and poorly written tutorials? Or are you looking to move your code from Django 1 to Django 2?


In my Django course, I will walk you through the Django web framework from beginning to end! I'm a self-taught programmer so I know what it feels like to start from scratch. I care about your learning, but even more importantly... I care about you!

What is Django?

Django is an open-source web framework that is written in Python. It was created about twelve years ago, but in April 2019 Django 2.2 was released with a whole new set of features and capabilities!

Django is an amazing framework for web developers because it provides the infrastructure required for database-driven websites that have user authentication, content administration, contact forms, file uploads, and more. Instead of creating all of these features from scratch, you can use the Django framework and utilize these components that are already built, and focus your time on developing your web app instead.

If you're going to be working with Python, especially for web applications or web design, you'll want to learn the Django framework. It will save you a ton of time!

Contents and Overview

I believe we learn best by doing. So, throughout this course you'll be presented with coding quizzes and challenges in order for you to test what you just learned. This format will allow you to actually learn Django and not just follow along like a robot Wink

We will use Python in this course, so if you have never used Python before, we will start with a python refresher to get you up to speed (no other python experience required).

We will then dive into making three complete websites:

1 - Word-Counting Website: A simple website to count the most frequently used words in a piece of text. You will learn how to:

Install Django

Create a new project

Work with Django's URL routing

Submit and handle HTML form data

2 - Personal Portfolio: Create your own portfolio to show to potential employers showing off your resume, previous projects, and a fully functional blog. You will learn how to:

Add apps to your project

Work with databases including SQLite and Postgres

Access the admin panel

Create super users

Create virtual environments

Make a responsive website with Bootstrap 4

Work with static and media files

3 - Product Hunt Clone: Make a simplified version of the awesome website to share new tech products. You will learn how to:

Work with the authentication system (sign up, login, logout)

Reuse templates

Create model relationships

Add icons via Iconic


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Docker and Kubernetes The Complete Guide (Updated 07/2019)

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BESTSELLER | Created by Stephen Grider | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 21:45 H/M | Lec: 288 | 11.7 GB | Language: English | Sub: English [Auto-generated]

Build, test, and deploy Docker applications with Kubernetes while learning production-style development workflows

What you'll learn
Learn Docker from scratch, no previous experience required
Master the Docker CLI to inspect and debug running containers
Build a CI + CD pipeline from scratch with Github, Travis CI, and AWS
Understand the purpose and theory of Kubernetes by building a complex app
Automatically deploy your code when it is pushed to Github!

Basic understanding of terminal and command line usage
No previous Docker or Kubernetes experience is required!
A credit card is required to deploy projects to AWS or Google Cloud

If you're tired of spinning your wheels learning how to deploy web applications, this is the course for you.

CI+CD Workflows? You will learn it. AWS Deployment? Included. Kubernetes in Production? Of course!

This is the ultimate course to learn how to deploy any web application you can possibly dream up. Docker and Kubernetes are the newest tech in the Dev Ops world, and have dramatically changed the flow of creating and deploying web apps. Docker is a technology that allows applications to run in constructs called 'containers', while Kubernetes allows for many different 'containers' to run in coordination.

Docker from Scratch!

In this course you'll learn Docker from absolute fundamentals, beginning by learning the answer to basic questions such as "What is a container?" and "How does a container work?". From the very first few lectures, we will do a deep dive on the inner workings of containers, so you get a core understanding of exactly how they are implemented. Once you understand what a container is, you'll learn how to work with them using basic Docker CLI commands. After that, you'll apply your new-found mastery of the Docker CLI to build your own custom images, effectively 'Dockerizing' your own personal applications.

CI + CD Pipelines

Of course, no course on Docker would be complete without a full understanding of common Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment patterns. You will learn how to implement a full CI + CD workflow using Github, Travis CI, and Amazon Web Services, creating a pipeline that automatically deploys your code every time you push your latest changes to Github!

Multi-Container Deployments on AWS!

After building a deployment pipeline, you'll apply it to master both single-container and multi-container deployments on Amazon Web Services. You will construct a multi-container application utilizing Node, React, Redis, and Postgres, and see the amazing power of containers in action (Note: all javascript coding in this course is optional, the full source code is provided if you don't want to write JS).


Finally, you will tackle Kubernetes, a production-grade system for managing complex applications with many different running containers. You will learn the right way to build a Kubernetes Cluster - this course doesn't have any of those annoying "don't do this in production" ! You will first build a Kubernetes Cluster on your local machine, then eventually move it over to a cloud provider. You'll even learn how to set up HTTPS on Kubernetes, which is harder than it sounds!

Who this course is for?
Software engineers looking to deploy their apps easily and quickly

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Docker, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Docker Master (Updated)

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Docker, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Docker Master (Updated)
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps® | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 6.9 GB
Duration: 10 hours | Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Become a Docker DevOps Master by learning from scratch the technology that is changing the world with containers!

You will be able to understand how Docker works, integrate it into your daily work and make your life a fun place with Docker.

Become a Docker DevOps Master by learning from scratch the technology that is changing the world with containers!
What you'll learn
You will be able to understand how Docker works, integrate it into your daily work and make your life a fun place with Docker.
You will be able to Dockerize any application.
You will be able to design productive and efficient strategies that will ease the creation and deployment of your applications.
You can instruct your colleagues about the use of this tool.
A stable internet connection is needed
A machine running Linux/Mac/Windows is required
No previous Docker experience needed
Linux background is nice to have but not mandatory
Tired of wanting to learn Docker? Do you find it very difficult? Have you heard it but do not know what it is about? All that came to an end, at the end of this course you will be an expert!
There is no better way to learn than practicing, so this course offers many exercises where you can learn how to create your own applications in Docker. You will learn how to create tons of apps such as MySQL, Postgres, Jenkins, WordPress, PrestaShop, Mongo, Nginx, Apache, SSL, Tomcat, Drupal and many more!
You will learn important bases such as:
- Images
- Containers
- Volumes
- Networks
- Docker Compose
And more!
What are you waiting for?
Who this course is for:
Developers who want to get in touch with Docker
System Administrators willing to learn about containers
DevOps Engineers looking for faster processes


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